For Individuals For Organisations

Find Your

Kaboose is a community app for autistic & neurodivergent individuals, to connect with peers around interests, find friends, mentors & jobs.

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Meet your new favourite neurodivergent community app! Connect with friends, learn about your neurodiversity and browse jobs – all from your phone or tablet.

I See You,
You See Me

Embrace your special interests

Kaboose can help you:

Find a tribe

Discover friends and build tribes based on shared special interests. You can also join one of our public tribes!

Discover friends and build tribes based on shared special interests. You can also join one of our public tribes!

Find a job

Explore job opportunities that match your special interests.

About us

At Kaboose, our vision is that all neurodivergent people feel confident navigating life and thriving.  We’re an inclusive and safe online community for neurodivergent people to connect, learn and find purpose. We are built by neurodivergent people, for neurodivergent people.

Keep read our story.